Currently we accept digital currency such as:
BANK TRANSFER(Transactions above $350,000)
Here, we've compiled answers to some of the most common questions about our platform and services.
Currently we accept digital currency such as:
BANK TRANSFER(Transactions above $350,000)
Your platform account will receive your Return on Investment, which you can then withdraw to a real bank account or wallet.
All you need to do is register since we offer many plans and returns based on your financial capacity and aspirations. Choose a strategy and put money into it, then wait for the allotted time for your investment to mature so you may get paid.
On the investors dashboard, we introduced the investors partner program, through which you can also make money as a partner by referring users to the platform.
Typically, a commission of 10% is applied to the total profit accrued in your account. It is imperative to clear this commission before initiating a withdrawal, as it serves as a prerequisite for a successful processing of the withdrawal request. This policy ensures that the designated commission is settled, aligning with the standard procedures for managing profits and withdrawals within the system.